You may not think too much about your attic insulation, but it really is an essential part of any home. It’s what helps you hold on to that cool air in the summer and heat in the winter, which can save you money on energy bills. However, you need to have the right attic insulation if it’s going to do its job properly. But how do you choose? In this blog post, we’re going to discuss the pros and cons of different types of attic insulation to help you figure out which would be the best fit for your home. Let’s take a look!
Blanket Insulation
One of the most common types of attic insulation is blanket insulation. This is the pink or yellow fibreglass insulation that you often see in attics. It’s made up of small pieces of glass that are woven together to form a blanket. Blanket insulation is effective and relatively inexpensive, which is why it’s such a popular option.
The main disadvantage of blanket insulation is that it can be difficult to install. It’s also not the most effective type of insulation, so you may need to add more if you live in a particularly cold climate.
Loose-Fill Insulation
Loose-fill insulation is made up of small pieces of fibreglass, rock wool, or cellulose that are blown into your attic. It may be the right attic insulation for your home if you have an oddly shaped attic or if you’re trying to insulation around obstacles. It’s also one of the most effective types of insulation.
Now for the cons! The main disadvantage of loose-fill insulation is that it’s another type that can be difficult to install, especially if you don’t have the right equipment. It’s also one of the more expensive options, so it may not be an ideal choice for those on a tight budget.
Spray Foam Insulation
Spray foam insulation is a newer type of insulation that’s becoming more popular. It’s essentially a foam that you spray onto your attic walls and ceiling. It expands to fill any gaps and then hardens to form a solid barrier.
Spray foam insulation is one of the most effective types of attic insulation, so it’s a great choice if you live in a cold climate. It’s also fairly easy to install, so if you’re into DIY projects, then this may be a good fit for you. The only downside is that, like loose-fill insulation, it can get expensive. However, over time, you may find that it was worth the investment.
The Bottom Line
While there are other types of attic insulation, the above are some of the most popular choices. Now that you know a little more about each type, you can start to narrow down which would be the best fit for your home. Consider things like budget, installation difficulty, and climate when making your decision. And if you’re still not sure, then it may be a good idea to consult with a professional. They can help you figure out which type of attic insulation would work best for your home and then install it properly.
Ready to get insulating? Click here to contact Ainger Roofing today for a free estimate!